I've never really been a big fan of goodbyes.. in fact, i'm almost certain i hate them..
It might be cause i'm just no good at them, but then again... i've never heard anyone say that they are great at saying goodbye.. so i'm gonna assume i'm relatively normal.. atleast .. when it comes to this..
Sadly, with the way life works, there comes times where we are all faced with having to greet someone so special and dear to us..whether it's due to death, people moving or simply just life drifting you in different directions.
In my case, my best friend is relocating back to her home country in a few days.. no more funfilled Friday night escapades, Cava Saterdays or even just lunch meetings when we feel like it..
The sad thing is, every once in a while, someone walks into your life and before you know it, you try and think back to life as you knew it before the arrival of that specific person.. and you realise.. you can't imagine life ever being just that again..
Cornelia, to me.. was one of those people.. i don't open up easily about anything, and i don't just cry.. but before i knew it, she knew everything there was to know about this crazy, amazing, sad, and wonderfull life i'm living .. and the best part was.. she still loved me!
Yes, it's true..people come into our lives for a reason, they change us, and they help us grow, they inspire, motivate and love us for who we are.. but somehow there will always come a time to say goodbye..
In a few days we'll no longer be able to see each other every day,we'll be on seperate continents, living our seperate lives and doing our own things.. seperately..
I'll always remember our time in the US.. living our dream, dreaming bout Dupont , our hunting days and 'our lives being set!'
Its been fun, it's been crazy, it's been extremely good.. but all good things come to an end!
We're now growing seperately, but we'll never grow apart!
Love you my Corny xx (.. i believe we just spoke about being corny today!but hey, just this one time.. it can be how i roll!)
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